Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Where For Art Thou Icons?

     Popular icons aren’t the same to all of us. We may all see the same thing, but that doesn’t guarantee that it means as much to us as it does to the person beside you. However, if one is able to look at what makes an icon, an icon they’ll be able to see the world in how it influences each of us, positively or negatively. My three icons are all something that mean something to me, for different reasons. The Beatles were a big part of my mothers childhood and with that, when she had me she instilled that fine wisdom of “Yesterday”. And even though Michael Jackson was already way popular by the time I was born I felt as though, even as an infant, that I had been moved towards this passion for music and it’s beautiful art form. With Family Guy, the cartoon, being my final icon choice leads me to something I see that influences many people close to me, and has for years. I, personally, have not been as engrossed or enthralled by the cartoon in general but I am able to see it’s strong impact on pop culture. 
The Beatles
     The Beatles formed in Liverpool, England in the 1960’s. They worked their way to stardom overseas and seemingly overnight they were a U.S. success. “The teenage population, swelled by the Baby Boom, helped make The Beatles a cultural phenomenon” (Pach, 2004, pg. 47). They spit out hit after hit and one platinum album after another. Being an extremely recognized musical icon, The Beatles are still as influential today as they were in the 60’s. Modern artists attribute their passion and musical know-how to such artists as The Beatles. Those artists these days cover their songs and dawn fashionable attire with their ever-famous logo, showing off a very momentous and prevalent icon to which we hold dear.
Pach, C. (2004). "Rock 'n' Roll Is Here to Stay": Using Popular Music to Teach About Dating and Youth Culture from Elvis to the Beatles. OAH Magazine Of History, 18(4), 44-47.
Michael Jackson
     The King of Pop was rightly named as such. Michael Jackson became a hurricane force in the music industry and in the public eye. It started with his father, Joe Jackson, building The Jackson 5 and leading them to Motown success. However it wasn’t without consequence. Michael’s father put a lot of pressure on all the children, especially Michael, in the pursuit of a “dream”. However, the dream was his initially. Though, with such a discipline to succeed Michael did just that and is easily recognizable, be it visibly or audibly, to this day. His music, along with television propelled his career to unbeatable heights and he became this immortal force versus a normal human being. He made grown men cry and women faint. His music as well as his skills on the stage inspired artists, and still do to this day. To watch his movie “This Is It”, in the beginning, you really see how much he affected people, even a totally different generation with his abilities and remarkable talent. Even though he has passed tragically we are still surrounded with his influence everyday.
Carr, F. W. (2010). Michael Jackson Motivated. Journal Of Pan African Studies, 3(7), 42-44.
Family Guy
     In competition with The Simpsons, Family Guy, debuting in 1999, was most certainly not a home run hit. Both shows being on FOX, and The Simpsons still drawing in viewers, Family Guy could barely hold it’s head above water and was pulled after a couple seasons. However, Family Guy, did not take it’s final breath. DVD sales sky rocketed and Family Guy reruns on Cartoon Network made Adult Swim a massive success. Fox rethought their decision and brought it back. It’s now 2012 and the show is still as rude, crude, and hilarious as ever. We recognize the characters, imitate them for giggles, if we can that is. As influential as The Simpsons were and still are, Family Guy has become a cult classic example of a pop icon.
Wheat, A. (2008). Family Guy. Entertainment Weekly, (1010/1011), 44-47.

1 comment:

  1. These are excellent choices, and I am impressed with the explanation you offer for each one. It's interesting that you point out that icons are different for all of us; two people might look at the same person/object/action and derive completely different meanings. The challenge in studying Pop Culture is to examine our wider culture's perceptions of these icons, then compare those ideas to our personal ideas about them.
    The research you put into this assignment adds another layer of analysis to your post. Very nicely done!
